
Podcast in Education

 Podcast is an Audio files can be download from the internet through smartphone, compute. In 2000 podcast was introduced to teaching and learning activities, which aim is to promote learning and make it effectively. Spoken-word, Video podcast, Enhanced podcast, Podcast novel and Live podcast are Types of podcast. REAL SIMPLE SYNDICATION  In podcast Real Simple Syndication is a way of providing people with regularly update. Importance of Podcast > Flexible delivery > Ease and cheap to created > Can be used as an Educational medium Podcast in Education are Affordable and Ease. USED OF EDUCATION        1. Documentation for learning 2. Demonstrate learning 3. display learning Reflections, Field trip, Cases study, Interview, Live educational and Lectures all this are form of Podcast. Lastly Chunking is the breaking down of high contents to low size, because of limited working memory and for keeping files in small size.


 MULTIMEDIA LANDSCAPE Multimedia is a combination of two words Multi and Media, which means "Many means of communication". Multimedia can also been as authoring, collating, structuring and presenting information in different form Text, Audio and Images. Creator (makes the content) and Receiver (interprets the message) are the two channels of communication. TYPES OF MEDIA √ Text √ Graphics √ Audio √ Video √Computing Media can be Synchronous and Asynchronous Synchronous Media is a situations where by learning activities take places at the same time but not at the same place, it's like live media for live event, Video conferencing and Zoom are some of the example of synchronous media, While Asynchronous is the vice verse of synchronous media it enable the participants to access information or communicates at different points of time, at different locations and at the convenience of the participants example of Asynchronous media are video on YouTube, Texts on search engines a